How to get the label of an EDT?
See \Classes\DialogField\init
setting the label:
with the dictType being:
dictType = new DictType(xtype);
and xtype being:
xtype = type >> 16;
Why do we have to right shift 16?
see \Classes\SysDictField\new
there you find a left shift 16
and global::fieldExt2Id does:
return (fieldExtId & 0xffff);
Also see
typeid() function gives you the id of a type. For eg:
you can try the following code in a job:
static void job1()
print typeid(custAccount);
This will print out 6488075. In the AOT if you check up the ID of CustAcount
it is 99. But the above number that get from typeid function is a
combination of the ID in the AOT and the flag indicating that it is a user
type. The upper 16 bits contain the ID from the AOT (99)and the lower 16
bits contain the flag that it is a user type (11)
6488705 == (99 << 16 | 11)
public boolean validate(Object calledFrom)
boolean ret;
ToDate todate;
dictType dictTypeLocal;
ret = super(calledFrom);
if (!toDate)
dictTypeLocal = new dictType(typeId(todate) >> 16);
ret = checkfailed (strfmt("@SYS110217", dictTypeLocal.label()));
return ret;
Example - short version:
static void Job8(Args _args)
info(new dictType(typeId(ToDate) >> 16).label());
In Global Class:
public static LabelString aduTypeLabel(extendedTypeId _typeId)
return new dictType(_typeId >> 16).label();
Also (this example is a static method on ConfigTable):
static FieldLabel aduLabel()
return new SysDictType(extendedtypenum(ConfigId)).label();
dinsdag 31 augustus 2010
modifiedField - previous value
Q: I would like to be able to perform some logic in the table.modifiedField method which compares the previous value of a field to the new value. How do I get to the previous value?
A: The record buffer as it was before any modifications is available through the this.orig() method.
public void modifiedField(fieldId _fieldId)
info(strfmt("Field number %1 changed from %2 to %3",_fieldId,this.orig().(_fieldId),this.(_fieldId)));
Q: I would like to be able to perform some logic in the table.modifiedField method which compares the previous value of a field to the new value. How do I get to the previous value?
A: The record buffer as it was before any modifications is available through the this.orig() method.
public void modifiedField(fieldId _fieldId)
info(strfmt("Field number %1 changed from %2 to %3",_fieldId,this.orig().(_fieldId),this.(_fieldId)));
donderdag 26 augustus 2010
How to create a production order with x++
static void CreateProductionOrder(Args _args)
ProdQtySched productionQty = 1;
ItemId productionItem = "AKU-1000";
ProdTable prodTable;
InventTable inventTable;
inventTable = InventTable::find(productionItem);
//Initialise the base values
prodTable.ItemId = inventTable.ItemId;
prodTable.DlvDate = today();
prodTable.QtySched = productionQty;
prodTable.RemainInventPhysical = prodTable.QtySched;
//Set the active bom and route
prodTable.BOMId = BOMVersion::findActive(prodTable.ItemId,
prodTable.RouteId = RouteVersion::findActive(prodTable.ItemId,
//Use ProdTableType class to create the production order
The code above set the active BOM / Route and also creates the InventTrans
static void CreateProductionOrder(Args _args)
ProdQtySched productionQty = 1;
ItemId productionItem = "AKU-1000";
ProdTable prodTable;
InventTable inventTable;
inventTable = InventTable::find(productionItem);
//Initialise the base values
prodTable.ItemId = inventTable.ItemId;
prodTable.DlvDate = today();
prodTable.QtySched = productionQty;
prodTable.RemainInventPhysical = prodTable.QtySched;
//Set the active bom and route
prodTable.BOMId = BOMVersion::findActive(prodTable.ItemId,
prodTable.RouteId = RouteVersion::findActive(prodTable.ItemId,
//Use ProdTableType class to create the production order
The code above set the active BOM / Route and also creates the InventTrans
Production Order,
woensdag 25 augustus 2010
Form layout - Dropdown with descriptive field
How to properly layout a dropdown and an accompanying descriptive field.
Like this:Example while creating an item:
This is how the AOT looks like:
And this is how to set the properties on the group that contains the dropdown and its descriptive field:
dinsdag 24 augustus 2010
vrijdag 20 augustus 2010
InventOnHand vs InventDimOnHand
Axapta InventOnHand class is wrapper for InventSum table. Unique index for InventSum table is ItemId + InventDimId. In other word, this class is used to get on hand for item with specific dimension. For example, if you require getting on-hand qty for “Bottle” items that have “green” color, “standard” size and are stored in “22” warehouse, “1” Aisle, “4” Shelf then you use InventOnHand class.
But, if you require getting on-hand qty for warehouse location then InventOnHand class couldn’t help us. Because one location could contains different items. Or if you require get on-hand qty for pallet. In these cases InventDimOnHand class must be used. This class is used when you require on-hand qty for specific inventDim. InventDimOnHand сlass consists of InventDimOnHandMember classes. Each InventDimOnHandMember class contains information about Item, Dimensions and Qty
For example, see link.
Axapta InventOnHand class is wrapper for InventSum table. Unique index for InventSum table is ItemId + InventDimId. In other word, this class is used to get on hand for item with specific dimension. For example, if you require getting on-hand qty for “Bottle” items that have “green” color, “standard” size and are stored in “22” warehouse, “1” Aisle, “4” Shelf then you use InventOnHand class.
But, if you require getting on-hand qty for warehouse location then InventOnHand class couldn’t help us. Because one location could contains different items. Or if you require get on-hand qty for pallet. In these cases InventDimOnHand class must be used. This class is used when you require on-hand qty for specific inventDim. InventDimOnHand сlass consists of InventDimOnHandMember classes. Each InventDimOnHandMember class contains information about Item, Dimensions and Qty
For example, see link.
donderdag 12 augustus 2010
Brief description of ways to close a form in AX
There are “only” 5 ways to close a form:
There are “only” 5 ways to close a form:
- Close - close the form. Similar to the 'X' button.
- CloseOK – close the form, and set the OK flag – called by the Commandbutton::Ok
- CloseCancel – close the form, and set the Cancel flag – called by the Commandbutton::Cancel
- CloseSelectRecord – close the lookup form, and set return record
- CloseSelect – close the lookup form, and set return value
- Closed – Returns true, if the form is no longer open
- ClosedOK – Return true, if the form was closed by the user clicking ‘OK’
- ClosedCancel – Returns true, if the form was closed by the user clicking ‘Cancel’
dinsdag 10 augustus 2010
Adding Find\Filter functionality on Display method
num2str - decimals based on EDT
num2str function with the number of decimals based on the property of an Extended DataType
Code based on Mirko Bonello's work:
usage example:
Code based on Mirko Bonello's work:
str num2strEdt( real _number, //The real number to convert to a string int _character = 0, //The minimum number of characters required in the text. ExtCodeValue _edt, //The EDT to be used as basis for required number of decimal places. int _separator1 = 2, //DecimalSeparator int _separator2 = 0) //ThousandSeparator { #DEFINE.AUTO('Auto') // #DEFINE.LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT(1024) #DEFINE.LOCALE_ICURRDIGITS(25) #AOT #PROPERTIES #WinAPI // Used for regional settings TreeNode treeNode; int decimalPlaces; ; treeNode = infolog.findNode(#ExtendedDataTypesPath + '\\' + _edt); if (!treeNode) return strfmt("%1", _number); if (findproperty(treeNode.AOTgetProperties(),#PropertyNoOfDecimals) == #AUTO) { // get the number of decimals from the regional settings decimalPlaces = str2int((WinAPI::getLocaleInfo(#LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, #LOCALE_ICURRDIGITS))); } else { // get the number of decimals set by the developer in the property inspector decimalPlaces = str2int(findproperty(treeNode.AOTgetProperties(),#PropertyNoOfDecimals)); } return num2str(_number, _character, decimalPlaces, _separator1, _separator2); }
usage example:
info(strfmt("%1", num2strEdt(20.34, 0, (identifierstr(myEDT)))));
vrijdag 6 augustus 2010
Remember network passwords after reboot (Vista home premium)
Hi, I was having the same issue as you, and I was using Vista Ultimate 64bits,
I got it to work by doing this:
1 - Reboot the computer
2 - After you log it will say your mapped drive couldn't be connected and stuff.... ok
3 - Go into Control Pannel, User Accounts, Network Passwords, and add the \\server\share, with the username & password you want
4 - Open My Computer, and access your mapped drive
5 - Reboot the computer
After this, all the time windows boots up it shall reconnect without that f*cking message again
Notice: Its important to do the steps as described because if you only add the server password into the Network Passwords but you don't use it, windows will not store it and will not remember the password the next time you boot.
Hi, I was having the same issue as you, and I was using Vista Ultimate 64bits,
I got it to work by doing this:
1 - Reboot the computer
2 - After you log it will say your mapped drive couldn't be connected and stuff.... ok
3 - Go into Control Pannel, User Accounts, Network Passwords, and add the \\server\share, with the username & password you want
4 - Open My Computer, and access your mapped drive
5 - Reboot the computer
After this, all the time windows boots up it shall reconnect without that f*cking message again
Notice: Its important to do the steps as described because if you only add the server password into the Network Passwords but you don't use it, windows will not store it and will not remember the password the next time you boot.
donderdag 5 augustus 2010
Interactive Infolog messages: SysInfoAction
Ever wanted to doubleclick an infolog message and go straight to a form/field... ?
Outputting the Name of an Enum element, instead of its Label
Enum WorkTimeControl has 3 elements:
Name - Label - EnumValue: (labels are in Dutch)
Open - Openen - 0
Closed - Afgesloten - 1
UseBasic - Basiskalender - 2
We define a variable:
WorkTimeControl workTimeControl = WorkTimeControl::Closed;
This code will render the Label of the element:
info(strfmt("%1", workTimeControl));
output = Afgesloten
This code will render the Name of the element:
info(strfmt("%1", enum2symbol(enumnum(WorkTimeControl), workTimeControl)));
output = Closed
Enum WorkTimeControl has 3 elements:
Name - Label - EnumValue: (labels are in Dutch)
Open - Openen - 0
Closed - Afgesloten - 1
UseBasic - Basiskalender - 2
We define a variable:
WorkTimeControl workTimeControl = WorkTimeControl::Closed;
This code will render the Label of the element:
info(strfmt("%1", workTimeControl));
output = Afgesloten
This code will render the Name of the element:
info(strfmt("%1", enum2symbol(enumnum(WorkTimeControl), workTimeControl)));
output = Closed
A new useful method on Table WorkCalendarDate:
\Data Dictionary\Tables\WorkCalendarDate\Methods\findDate
Example Job:
\Data Dictionary\Tables\WorkCalendarDate\Methods\findDate
/// <summary> /// Searches the nth day of type _workTimeControl, forward or backwards from _startDate /// </summary> /// <param name="_calendarId"> /// The calendar to use to look for open days /// </param> /// <param name="_lookAheadDays"> /// Search for the nth day (default 0) /// positive value = search forward /// negative value = search backwards /// </param> /// <param name="_startDate"> /// Start looking from this date (default: system date) /// </param> /// <param name="_forceReturnDate"> /// What should be returned if no date was found? /// true = _startdate is returned /// false = no date is returned (default) /// </param> /// <param name="_workTimeControl"> /// Look for which type of days? /// Open (default) /// Closed /// UseBasic /// </param> /// <returns> /// The nth day (_lookAheadDays) of type _workTimeControl, starting from _startDate /// </returns> /// <remarks> /// location = \Data Dictionary\Tables\WorkCalendarDate\Methods\findDate /// </remarks> static TransDate findDate( CalendarId _calendarId, Counter _lookAheadDays = 0, TransDate _startDate = systemDateGet(), boolean _forceReturnDate = false, WorkTimeControl _workTimeControl = WorkTimeControl::Open) { WorkCalendarDate workCalendarDate; Counter counter = 0; ; if (_lookAheadDays >= 0) //search forward from _startDate { while select workCalendarDate order by TransDate where workCalendarDate.CalendarId == _calendarId && workCalendarDate.TransDate >= _startDate && workCalendarDate.WorkTimeControl == _workTimeControl { if (counter >= _lookAheadDays) return workCalendarDate.TransDate; counter++; } } else //search backward from _startDate { while select workCalendarDate order by TransDate DESC where workCalendarDate.CalendarId == _calendarId && workCalendarDate.TransDate <= _startDate && workCalendarDate.WorkTimeControl == _workTimeControl { if (counter <= _lookAheadDays) return workCalendarDate.TransDate; counter--; } } //no date found if (_forceReturnDate) return _startDate; else return dateNull(); }
Example Job:
static void WorkCalendarDate_findDate(Args _args) { CalendarId calendarId; TransDate startDate; TransDate nextDate; Counter offsetDays; Name startDateName; Name nextDateName; boolean forceReturnDate; WorkTimeControl workTimeControl; ; //Example 1: //Search 3 days forward in calendar STD, starting from 05 AUG 2010 (thursday), looking for Open days calendarId = "STD"; startDate = str2date("05/08/2010",123); offsetDays = 3; forceReturnDate = false; workTimeControl = WorkTimeControl::Open; nextDate = WorkCalendarDate::findDate( calendarId, offsetDays, startDate, forceReturnDate, workTimeControl); startDateName = dayname(dayofwk(startDate)); nextDateName = dayname(dayofwk(nextDate)); global::enum2int( info(strfmt("Search %1 days, starting from %2(%3), with an offset of %4 days = %5(%6)", workTimeControl, startDate, startDateName, offsetDays, nextDate, nextDateName))); //output: //Search Openen days, starting from 5/08/2010(thursday), with an offset of 3 days = 10/08/2010(tuesday) //Example 2: //Search 3 days backwards in calendar STD, starting from 11 AUG 2010 (wednesday), looking for Open days calendarId = "STD"; startDate = str2date("11/08/2010",123); offsetDays = -3; forceReturnDate = false; workTimeControl = WorkTimeControl::Open; nextDate = WorkCalendarDate::findDate( calendarId, offsetDays, startDate, forceReturnDate, workTimeControl); startDateName = dayname(dayofwk(startDate)); nextDateName = dayname(dayofwk(nextDate)); global::enum2int( info(strfmt("Search %1 days, starting from %2(%3), with an offset of %4 days = %5(%6)", workTimeControl, startDate, startDateName, offsetDays, nextDate, nextDateName))); //output: //Search Openen days, starting from 11/08/2010(wednesday), with an offset of -3 days = 6/08/2010(friday) }
dinsdag 3 augustus 2010
Fitting Non-Dimensional Inventory into Dynamics AX’s Dimensional Inventory Model
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